My method
Story Telling
Walking in the shoes of the characters
Questioning and reimagining the same stories
Most importantly having FUN in the whole process
Story telling and conversation
I find the Story Telling method most effective in sparking children's reasoning skills . Children learn far more through stories than we can ever imagine . We challenge the child's thinking , processing and expressing ability by telling them stories and building conversations around them . I don't believe that a story has a single moral . Stories can be perceived in many ways and could have many morals . So , when stories are told at Miss Story Butterfly , children are asked what they have learnt from them . They decide what impacts them and that is real growth . This method helps stimulate their thought process and reinforces their individuality .
Story building and imagination
In today's technology driven world information is mostly received in a passive way .Even in classrooms it's usually a one way stream where most children receive passively and then reproduce what is taught . Children are never pushed to think , they are mostly bombarded and conditioned . There is very little scope for imagination or creativity . At Miss Story Butterfly , we don't just tell stories , we also remake stories . We try to cook up multiple ends and try to open other possibilities that would have been the result of different choices . This is something that is very important . Here children tap into that imaginative part of themselves that is naturally very strong within them at that age , but due to lack of use , in many cases , it eventually dies.
Becoming the Characters and developing empathy
I believe that life is not always just black and white . It's a complex web of circumstances, motives , emotions , feelings and the unknown that could totally change the whole plot . And finally, we are learning these little beautiful things through stories , aren't we ?
Stories motivate us , stories anchor us , stories help us grow .
At Miss Story Butterfly , children get to become their favourite characters and also to become the characters they probably dislike , just so they understand what it feels like to be someone else . The exercise makes children learn empathy , develop a sense of tolerance towards all kinds of people and situations , even the ones they dislike .
Good News
Miss Story Butterfly is totally online NOW !!
Tapping into the power of great Story Telling